Quick Note (to be deleted later)

Hey, everyone. I’m sorry to say that I won’t have an actual post up today. I’ve just been really busy and stressed with — yes, you guessed it! — school. Again. Ugh. I might try to pub a post later in the week. Maybe. Sorry.

… I’m so tired.

— J

3 Easy Tips for Limiting School Stress

Hey, everyone. As I’ve mentioned in my last post, I’ve been quite occupied and stressed with school lately. After all, I was so busy and packed with school work that I couldn’t even squeeze out a post on time. (Still feeling bad about that; sorry guys.) I was especially stressed last week in particular. I had a big test and a big presentation for one class, a whole packet of French homework to do in one night (unfortunately I forgot to even bring the blasted thing the next day), Shakespeare readings and notes to complete, and then the regular lot, including worksheets and daily assignments for my other classes.

I just remember being so overwhelmed and overcome with stress and mental and physical exhaustion Continue reading →

The Fall Tag

Happy November, everyone! Sorry about the late post… things have been busy (and stressful) with school. :/

Anyway, you all know how I absolutely love fall and I’ve been (kinda impatiently) waiting for it to come, right? I’ve been dying for cooler temperatures and colorful leaves falling from trees and being swept by cool breezes and just the smell of fall and cozy sweaters and warm drinks and — !! Well, now, after so much waiting, it’s finally beginning to feel like true fall! (Thank you, November!)

I’m happy to say that we were nominated to participate in Dreaming of Guatemala’s Fall Tag by Incomplete Thinking! They’re a great blogger and such a nice person, so be sure to check them out!

And now for the tag: Continue reading →

Julia’s October Favorites and November Goals | 2017

First of all, I would like to say happy birthday to one of my friends! I know that she won’t be seeing this, but I thought I’d do it anyway. Since I’m writing this before Wednesday, the day this post actually publishes and the day of her birthday, I’m not sure if she’ll like the small things I got her, so… Let’s hope for the best!

I would also like to apologize for not posting last Wednesday. I can’t exactly remember what I was doing, but I know I was somewhat busy or something, and that I only remembered I never wrote a post until late at night when I was going to bed… I was thinking of maybe last-minute writing a post, so much that I had a fairly strange dream that night about writing a post, but let’s not get into that.

Right now it’s time for me to share some of my favorite things of October! Continue reading →

Talking is Hard

Hey, everyone. My name’s Julia and I suck at talking to people.

A lot of people might not realize it or might just quickly glance over it, but talking is a talent. It’s a skill that you have to learn. You can’t just be thrown into this world and be expected to naturally know how to have a successful conversation with someone. (Note that, when I say “talking” I mean conversing… having conversations, actually communicating with other live, human beings.)

There’s so much to think about when you’re talking. What topics should you talk about? How long should you talk about each one? What’s the difference between an awkward silence and a comfortable one? How can you tell if the other person is bored or uncomfortable even if you might not be?

It’s hard to say what exactly about talking makes it so difficult, but if Continue reading →

Don’t Go Back — The Evil Behind Going Back in Time

Time travel. The idea of time travel has been thought about and pondered over for years. The Clock That Went Backward, published in September of 1881 is the first known written story in which an object is used to travel back in time, even though George Wells is often considered the first author of time travel with his novel The Time Machine (1895). Edward Page Mitchell, the author of The Clock That Went Backward, which was originally published anonymously, wrote his story on the tale of two cousins who travel three hundred years into the past. On the other hand, Wells’ story (which earned him the title of the Father of Science Fiction) features a trip to the future.

And yet, the idea of going into the past particularly seems to fascinate us.

How many times have you heard the question, Continue reading →

Julia’s September Favorites | 2017

I was wondering what I should write for today’s blog post when I suddenly realized that it’s the last Wednesday of the month! If you didn’t know, the last posting day of each month — Wednesdays for me, Saturdays for Emily — we publish our favorites for that month!

September was a pretty big month. Summer vacation ended, school started again, and fall, my favorite season, has officially arrived. September has always been a nice month for me. Unfortunately, it’s been quite hot lately where I am, but that doesn’t stop me from wearing (and occasionally dying) in jeans! So, despite the less favorable temperature, I still have a good amount of stuff that I’ve liked about September!

(Let’s begin.) Continue reading →

Sharing One of My Favorite Instagram Comics Creators

Something you probably don’t know about me (because I’ve never mentioned it before on this blog, of course!) is that I like to read comics on Instagram and, occasionally, on WebToons as well. A lot of the time, I follow lighter comic series or collections; quick comics that I can read for a bit of a smile or possibly a laugh. But then there’s also the “heavier” ones: the more serious and meaningful ones and the ones I more closely follow.

One of those accounts is Continue reading →

Pictures & Life Update (09.13.17)


This past weekend, along with Em and our mom, I went to a nice farm and walked around a town afterwards. We went to the farm with the sole mission of getting some apple cider doughnuts, and I’m happy to say that we did accomplish our goal! (They were delicious, by the way… Unfortunately I don’t have a picture of them.) The farm itself was nice, as well. They actually had goats, and not only did they have goats but they actually had a little “goat bridge” for them as well to get from one enclosure to the other… And they even went on it while we were there, as you can see in one of the pictures. (They shortly got off of it — didn’t even cross to the other side — but it was still fun to see nonetheless.)

The town was great too, and even though I don’t necessarily enjoy shopping and browsing stores, I did like to just walk around and photograph some of the nice older brick buildings there…

Aren’t you glad fall’s on it’s way? The whole day I was Continue reading →

You Will Never Be Prepared

School starts tomorrow. With the exception of my electives, I’m taking all honors and/or advanced classes. To be more specific, I’m taking two honors classes, one advanced class, and two classes that are both advanced and honors, one of which is double-advanced. I didn’t sign up for study hall. I’m very short for my age and somehow managed to (mostly) lose the one friend I thought was guaranteed besides my sister, leaving me down three friends — one who I lost on my own accord, another who moved away, and the last who’s doing our county’s technical school and won’t be in the same building as me. I’m scared. And I feel so horribly and undeniably unprepared.

I know that nothing I do will prepare me for what’s going to happen. Why? Because Continue reading →